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Interface WickedInitOptions

Initialization options for the wicked SDK.




Optional apiMaxTries

apiMaxTries: number

Retries before failing: The number of retries the SDK does before failing when accessing the wicked API. Defaults to 10.

Optional apiRetryDelay

apiRetryDelay: number

Retry interval in ms; if an API call is failing, the SDK will retry after a certain amount of time again. Defaults to 500ms.

Optional doNotPollConfigHash

doNotPollConfigHash: boolean

Defaults to false; if false, the wicked SDK will poll the /confighash end point of the wicked API to check for updated static configuration; if such is detected, the SDK will force quit the component to make the assumed orchestrator restart it.

Optional maxTries

maxTries: number

Maximum number of retries until wicked gives up

Optional retryDelay

retryDelay: number

Delay between retries (ms)

Optional statusCode

statusCode: number

The expected status code


userAgentName: string

A user agent name; do not use the wicked prefix, otherwise a strict version check is enforced.


userAgentVersion: string

The version of your user agent, must be a valid SemVer (see http://semver.org).

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