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Interface WickedGetRegistrationOptions

Extended get options for wicked registrations.




Optional filter

filter: {}

Specify keys and values to filter for when retrieving information. The filtering is case insensitive, and searches specifically only for substrings. This does (currently) not support wild card searches.

Example: { filter: { name: "herbert" }, order_by: "name ASC" }

Type declaration

  • [field: string]: string

Optional limit

limit: number

The maximum number of items a get operation retrieves. Specify 0 to retrieve all elements. Note: This can be a dangerous operation, depending on the amount of data in your data store.

Optional namespace

namespace: string

The namespace for which to retrieve registrations. In case the registration pool requires namespaces, this is a required option, otherwise it's a forbidden option.

Optional no_cache

no_cache: boolean

Specify false to make sure the paging return values (item count and such) are re-calculated. Otherwise the wicked API makes use of a cached value for the item count for short amount of time. This option is usually only used for integration testing, and does not play a role in application development.

Optional offset

offset: number

The offset of the collection items to retrieve. Defaults to 0.

Optional order_by

order_by: string

Order by clause; syntax: <field name> <ASC|DESC>, e.g. name DESC.

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