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Interface PassthroughScopeResponse

This is the expected response type of a service which is used for APIs which have specified the passthroughScopeUrl parameter. Mandatory properties are allow and authenticated_userid, which must contain information on whether the operation is allowed and if so, which user id is to be associated with the access token which is about to be created.


  • PassthroughScopeResponse




allow: boolean

Return true to allow the operation to continue, otherwise false.

Optional authenticated_scope

authenticated_scope: string[]

An array of valid scopes for the API; please note that the list of scopes must be configured on the API, otherwise a subsequent error will be generated (by the API Gateway).


authenticated_userid: string

Specify which user id is passed as the X-Authenticated-UserId to the API backends when presenting the created access token.

Optional error_message

error_message: string

In case allow contains false, it is recommended to return an error message stating "why" here.

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